A will is one of the most important documents in a client’s life. Each will must be crafted to meet the individual’s needs.
Our clients have many different requirements and wishes, some of which arise from the increase in blended families, changes in relationships and because many clients now have a financial estate to leave to those dearest to them upon their death.
As clients’ circumstances change so do the requirements for their wills. It is important for our clients to review their will regularly.
We take time over wills because it is so important that they are right and clearly express the wishes of the will maker.
In addition to wills, powers of attorney, particularly Enduring Powers of Attorney, are valuable. Any older client entering into a retirement village or care facility will be required to nominate attorneys in Enduring Powers of Attorney.
There are two types of Enduring Powers of Attorney. One type deals with all property assets and the other deals with social needs which is called ‘care and welfare’.
There are many choices to be made in how an attorney will carry out the role and it is necessary to spend time to ensure that the form of power of attorney meets the requirements and the wishes of the client granting the powers of attorney.